
离开学还有一个多月, 你的孩子还有足够的时间来弥补这些时间. Review this summer checklist CCA’s 学校心理咨询 team put together with your rising high schooler 和 see what you can still accomplish during these final few weeks of summer!

Do you have a child in high school who is running out of things to do this summer? 如果是这样,不要惊慌!

离开学还有一个多月, 你的孩子还有足够的时间来弥补这些时间 by taking proactive steps toward preparing for life after high school. 抢占先机越早越好.
In Proverbs 6, we are told to look at the wise example of the ant. 第7和8节说,这个微小但强大的生物 “没有元帅,没有官长,没有君王, 然而,它在夏天储存粮食 在收割时聚敛食物.”

When we take the initiative to plan ahead with diligence — while ultimately recognizing that the Lord is the one who determines our steps (Proverbs 16:9) — we can reap blessings like peace, 知识, 机会, 还有更多.

这个月, set aside some time to review this summer checklist put together by CCA’s 学校心理咨询 team with your rising freshman, 二年级学生, 初级, 和/或高级, 和 see what you can still accomplish during these final few weeks of summer!



创建并链接 大学委员会 与你的 可汗学院 帐户(免费资源)!)开始PSAT准备

The PSAT/NMSQT exam students take in their 初级 year can qualify them for 国家优秀奖学金公司 奖学金. 许多CCA的校友都喜欢 这篇文章 have been offered full 和 partial 奖学金 to universities because of this prestigious designation!

Work on any summer reading 和 math assignments you may have been assigned.
虽然学生们可能对暑期工作不感兴趣, it’s designed to keep their minds sharp 和 prevent learning delays while school is not in session.

Engagement with the community helps identify skills, gifts, abilities, 和 talents. 在10年级开始的时候有一个至少30个小时的目标吗. 120 hours is the graduation requirement here at CCA; by meeting this requirement, students also meet the minimum service hour requirements for the 明亮的未来 Florida Academic Scholarship 和 Florida Medallion Scholarship. 

CCA学生可以记录他们的工作时间 使用这个表单.



CCA upperclassmen have the opportunity to take a digital SAT prep workshop hosted by Sensa Educational Systems on our 劳德代尔堡 campus this 7月8月. 点击这里 to read what CCA students who have taken this course have to say about it!

Make a list of colleges/universities you may consider attending 和 visiting
CCA 劳德代尔堡 rising 10th–12th grade students can access Scoir — an excellent, comprehensive online college 和 career planning tool. Students can use the Scoir College 搜索 Feature to research information on different colleges 和 identify ones that will be a good fit based on their interests 和 other criteria. 你甚至可以把你想申请的大学加入书签! 

Joining a service-oriented school club is a fun 和 easy way to accumulate service hours with peers while making a difference in the community together. 



(See section above for an on-campus SAT/ACT prep course being offered this summer!)

N箭头 down your college choices 和 begin college applications/essays
Using Scoir (see previous section for more details about the platform) is also a great way to stay organized throughout the college application process.

CCA families can plan to attend CCA’s Fall College Fair 和 FAFSA workshop this upcoming school year. 我们还建议建立一个 常见的应用程序 账户. 常见的应用程序 is a college application platform widely used by a majority of colleges/universities to use one application for many schools. 

It is best to plan campus visits when classes are in session, if possible. 让它成为假期中有趣的家庭自驾游! Should college visits need to be planned during the school year, CCA upperclassmen have two excused absences that can be used toward college campus visits. 

如果旅行不是一个选择, taking a virtual tour of the campus online is the second best way to get acquainted with a campus.

Continue to engage in community service activities 和 consider internship 机会 to help identify college majors 和 possible career paths. Develop a resume 和 be prepared to present your skills/experiences to college representatives 和 future employers. 

好了. As you can see, there’s never a shortage of things to do when you’re in high school.

当你们全家一起制定清单时, 我们鼓励你用祈祷来接近它, 成长型思维, 还有受教的灵, 充分利用上帝赐予你的这个季节吧!

因为我知道我对你的计划。” 耶和华说, “plans to prosper you 和 not to harm you, plans to give you hope 和 a future.




  • Discovering Your Path: How Trade Careers Offer Stability, Growth, 和 Success

    不确定毕业后要走什么样的职业道路? 你并不孤单. 虽然上大学似乎是默认的选择, 这并不是通往成功和充实的职业生涯的唯一途径. Trade jobs offer a unique opportunity for those who want to enter the workforce quickly 和 build a stable, 高薪职业. 在本文中, 三位CCA校友-格雷森·巴泰勒米(2023届), 埃里克·特罗布里奇(2022届), 和 Anthony Haley (Class of 2021) — share their success stories in trades.
  • 让学生掌握情绪调节策略

    Are there any students in your life feeling overwhelmed by anxiety? 年轻人的焦虑情绪急剧上升, equipping them with effective emotional regulation strategies is more crucial than ever. 卢Zarro, CCA劳德代尔堡高中ESE主任, shares valuable insights 和 practical tools to help students identify triggers, 养成积极的习惯, 培养面对挑战的韧性.
  • “我怎么聪明??:发现不同类型的智力

    We often associate being "smart" with having perfect grades 和 high test scores, 但智力比这微妙得多! 在这篇文章中,Ms. 塔拉福克斯, CCA 劳德代尔堡’s Assistant Principal for 11th-12th Grade, highlights eight types of research-backed intelligences 和 how individuals can embrace their unique, 难得的优点.
  • 帮助你的孩子适应学校的5个建议

    担心孩子第一天上学? Jan Lashbrook, 劳德代尔堡儿童早期教育中心主任, shares advice on easing the adjustment period for young students, 确保他们带着微笑开始上学. Read her article for five tips to support your child’s transition 和 boost their confidence.


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